The Victorian Government has released the draft Structure Plans for the six Suburban Rail Loop East stations – Cheltenham, Clayton, Monash, Glen Waverley, Burwood and Box Hill. The plans represent the platform from which the benefits of Suburban Rail Loop will be realised. In practice, they provide the framework to guide development, direct growth and shape the economic and residential change expected in the areas surrounding the stations.
The draft Structure Plans are the culmination of 18 months of work for the Urbis team, who, along with the Aurecon, Jacobs and Mott MacDonald (AJM) joint venture, is the technical advisor to Suburban Rail Loop Authority (SRLA).
Urbis’ involvement in the preparation of the draft Structure Plans and Planning Scheme Amendments, alongside the SRLA team, was extensive. In addition to being the lead authors, we provided precinct visioning, urban planning, economics, urban design, transport planning, real estate advisory, spatial analytics and creative design services.
Our collaborative and multidisciplinary approach on this nation-building project is detailed below.