Early engagement with stakeholders creates shared ownership and contributes positively to your reputation, enhancing your social licence to operate.

Our evidence-based approach to engagement mitigates risk, encourages stakeholder alignment and ownership of the outcomes, and allows you to make informed decisions.

Together, we can help you deliver great places, opportunities and outcomes for your business and the broader community.

We advise developers, property owners, investors, private firms, NGOs, community organisations, industry associations and all levels of government. We work with clients big and small, across a broad range of sectors and project types.

Working with you, we deliver:

Tailored engagement strategies that involve
all parties early to identify and address risks

Communication materials that clearly convey
the facts and benefits of your proposal

Traditional and social media strategies that
reach your intended audience and enable
you to lead the conversation

Genuine insights and understanding of
stakeholder sentiment based on evidence

Design and facilitation of meetings, workshops,
focus groups and strategic planning sessions to
align stakeholder views and identify a path forward

Media relations and crisis communications
to manage critical issues

Video content and graphic design
that lands your message

Emerging technologies like virtual and
augmented reality to deliver contemporary

Engagement activities to reach people who do
not typically engage


Places for people, shaped by people

Urbis delivers a people-centred, participatory approach because we know great places are shaped by people. We recognise the value in bringing together stakeholders and the community to co-design places, leading to a better quality of life and sense of ownership.

City-shaping urban development

We have a depth of knowledge of strategic and statutory planning requirements. We use that knowledge to explain those requirements in plain English to communities and involve them in helping to shape the future. Our evidence-based approach to engagement allows us to shift stakeholder and community mindsets by focusing on future benefits, outcomes and shared value.

Places for learning

Urbis has unique expertise in managing engagement and communications to de-risk complex approvals for primary, secondary and tertiary educational facilities. We have a detailed understanding of both regulatory requirements and the contemporary design of learning spaces.

Gaining social licence to operate for infrastructure

Gaining a social licence to operate is critical for environmental planning projects. Urbis has a proficient understanding of the regulatory, risk, governance and public requirements for these projects. Our team has extensive experience in engagement and communication to support environmental impact statements (EIS) for agricultural facilities, mining, water, gas and telecommunications infrastructure.

Engagement to support strategy and organisational development

Engaging stakeholders in the development of strategy and organisational change, our work enables people to be informed, energised and empowered to take an active role in their community.

Urbis’ approach is strategic and tailored to your organisation’s needs. We have also worked extensively with and for local, state and federal governments and private organisations, developing industry-leading engagement policies and frameworks that maximise community participation.
