Jane is a Director at Urbis and leading expert in visual assessment matters in NSW, specialising in visual impact and view sharing assessments. She leads a nation-wide in-house team of visual assessment specialists, including visualisation experts preparing certifiably accurate photomontages.
Jane is a qualified Landscape Architect and Urban Planner, with over 30 years gained experience from across Europe and Asia as a designer and project manager. She also brings more than a decade of experience as a specialist in visual and landscape impact assessments and view sharing matters.
Throughout her career so far, Jane has assessed the visual effects and impacts of varying scales of development in rural and urban settings, including renewable energy (solar and wind), telecommunication and digital sign installations, medium and high-density residential projects, and marinas. This includes reporting on the visual effects of proposed development for SSDs, State Significant Studies, planning proposals, and DAs across different jurisdictions.
By providing strategic advice and mitigation strategies regarding the protection of views, scenic resources and amenity, at various stages of the design and development process, Jane provides a holistic experience for commercial, private, and public sector clients. She provides expert evidence to the Land and Environment Court of New South Wales and assists Urbis clients in this regard in Victoria and Queensland.
Jane provides direction and oversight for the preparation and certification of photomontages. Her multi-disciplinary design, project management and planning experience enhances her ability to work effectively with a range of practitioners to ensure creative and equitable outcomes for stakeholders.