The new commercial office building is part of the over station development (OSD) integrated with the new Sydney Metro Pitt Street Station, maximising the use of future transport infrastructure.
Urbis acted as planning advisor on this landmark project – guiding the consortia through the competitive tendering phase through to the delivery of the project via the State Significant Development Application process to obtain consent for a commercial and retail development of 55,743m2 above the northern entry of the Pitt Street Station. The project also included a modification to the podium envelope and an amendment to the concept approval to increase the total gross floor area across the site. Our team prepared planning documentation and visual impact assessment, liaised with the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment and Council, attended consultation meetings and advised on technical planning issues, working closely with other consultants.
The OSD is successfully integrated with the station below and with the adjacent significant heritage sites. High levels of amenity are maintained in terms of solar access and privacy to adjoining land uses. The proposal will be a key marker of the Sydney Metro Pitt Street Station within Sydney CBD.
“The proposal delivers a new commercial office building within the Sydney CBD that maximises the use of future transport infrastructure by integrating with the new Sydney Metro Pitt Street station.