The Sydney Metro West Hunter Street Station over station development (OSD) will become a new commercial and transport hub that will catalyse the renewal of the commercial heart of Sydney CBD.

We prepared the Hunter Street Station Planning Proposal, currently being exhibited by the City of Sydney, to amend planning controls, and enable two new commercial buildings over the future Hunter Street Station. The Planning Proposal facilitates over 150,000sqm of new employment space to support a robust and resilient economy in Central Sydney. The proposed controls establish parameters to attract more businesses to a well-connected location, continuing the growth of Sydney CBD.

Urbis further prepared two concurrent Concept State Significant Development Applications, currently being exhibited by Sydney Metro, to establish building envelopes for each of the over station developments.

Our team prepared planning documentation and advised on technical planning issues, in addition to providing economic and social impact assessments and visual impact analysis. The two buildings will be a key marker of the Sydney Metro West Hunter Street Station, within a commercial hub to rival any global city.

Sydney Metro & FJMT
Sydney Metro & FJMT