11 Jun 2024

We’re excited to launch a transformative new piece of work in conjunction with the Queenslanders with Disability Network (QDN) titled ‘Game Changers: Developing an Inclusive Employment Legacy from the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games’.

Launched to government and industry clients at Urbis’ Brisbane office on 3 June 2024, the Game Changers Report leverages learnings from past global sporting events as a catalyst to enabling inclusive legacy outcomes for people with disabilities by focusing on accessibility and employment outcomes.

The report offers a comprehensive analysis of the current employment landscape for people with disability and provides strategic recommendations to shape and enhance the employment ecosystem leading up to, during, and following the 2032 Games.

With Brisbane hosting the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games, the global sporting event represents a significant opportunity to embed disability employment into a legacy for Queensland, Australia and Oceania.

Julie Saunders View Profile

Urbis Director of Planning Julie Saunders said the Game Changers Report rewrites the narrative for people with disabilities.

“Eighteen percent of Australians and 19 percent of Queenslanders identify as having a disability, only 47 percent are employed, compared to 80 percent of their non-disabled counterparts.

“People with disabilities are twice as likely to be unemployed, facing numerous obstacles ranging from physical barriers to workplace discrimination.”

The “Game Changers Report” analyses five global sporting events including the Olympic and Paralympic Games of London 2012, Tokyo 2020 and Paris 2024, as well as the 2018 Gold Coast Commonwealth Games and 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup to create a road map of opportunities for people living with disabilities.

Recommendations from the report are grouped under three pillars to first, prepare the “Runway to Gold” by 2028, second, set benchmarks in “Raising the Bar” by 2032 and third, frame a legacy for a new business-as-usual across the employment ecosystem with “The Legacy” by 2042.

And whilst the 2032 Games will be Brisbane’s moment to shine, it is beyond this event in 2042 where strategic legacy thinking can create positive outcomes for the city.

With Elevate 2042 developed by Urbis’ Future State Team James Tuma, Kate Meyrick and Shawn Day, the strategy identifies two foundations of this strategy with the first step towards creating a legacy framework that advances accessibility and empowers people with disability. The other is a focus and vision on what is possible for the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games and the years beyond for respecting, advancing and celebrating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

We understand our expertise contributes significantly to the quality and sustainability of social, economic and physical environments we operate in.

Carlos Frias View Profile

The “Game Changers Report” report was presented to several stakeholders attending the event including Queensland State Minster for Disability Services Charis Mullen MP, Brisbane City Council Deputy Mayor Cr Krista Adams, QDN CEO Michelle Moss with board members Peter Tully and Des Ryan along with Uncle Willie Prince delivering the Acknowledgment of Country. From Urbis, Managing Partner James Tuma, Urbanist and Director of Future State Kate Meyrick and Director of Planning Julie Saunders with her team who were so passionate in dedicating their time into the research, strategy and creation of this report.

The QDN Game Changers Report was delivered under Urbis’ Give Back initiative which is a commitment to supporting vulnerable communities and places by providing direct, meaningful contributions with impact that matters.   

Spearheading the pro bono program is Urbis’ Carlos Frias who said as a national and growing international market leader, Urbis recognise their impact on cities and communities extends well beyond client work.

“We thrive on this responsibility and strive to present ourselves to a standard expected from a company of our calibre,” Frias said.