Shawn brings 25 years’ experience working in senior roles in consulting, local, and state government in urban and regional economic development in Australia and Southern Africa.

Most recently, Shawn worked on the South East Queensland City Deal, delivering region-shaping infrastructure, as part of the Queensland Government’s negotiating team.

Shawn works in economic development in state and local government contexts. This includes leading and delivering programs and projects focussing on revitalising and restructuring economic places in Newcastle City Council, the City of Sydney and Brisbane City Council.

This range across a spectrum of city shaping outcomes, including city and CBD restructuring post BHP in Newcastle, revitalising inner city village economies in Sydney, and place management in Brisbane CBD and Valley and suburban centres/main streets.

I am inspired by how cities and towns create productivity and prosperity and driven to use this knowledge to shape sustainable communities and places.

Shawn’s project experience:

  • Brisbane 2032 Olympics Legacy Strategy and Plan: Delivering Legacy vision and strategy for Queensland Government and Olympic Delivery Partners.
  • South East Queensland City Deal: Negotiating a $1.8-billion dollar infrastructure package for South East Queensland.
  • SEQ City Deal Regional Productivity Impact: Modelling urban productivity flow on and impact of regional infrastructure with inferential statistics.
  • Queensland Financial Assistance Grants: Reviewing the grant allocation method and regional outcomes of the Queensland Grants Commission.
  • Queen Street Mall Revitalisation: Strategic review of Queen Street Mall, master plan, refurbishment.
  • Brunswick Street Mall Refurbishment: Project manage concept design, detail design, capital refurbishment.
  • Brisbane Technology Park: Strategic economic appraisal of the productivity impacts of the BTP.
  • Oxford Street Cultural Quarter: Program to build the creative and cultural economy through enterprise development, co-working hubs, public realm activation.