With it’s newly gained State Significant Development consent, the new University of Newcastle Gosford campus at 305 Mann Street will play a pivotal role in transforming Gosford into a thriving university-city at the heart of the region.
The Urbis planning, engagement and heritage teams assisted the University through two workshops and a panel meeting with the City of Gosford Design Advisory Panel. Urbis also prepared an Environmental Impact Statement in support of the SSDA and provided ongoing planning advice during the assessment of the application. The building will be the first mass timber construction in Gosford. It incorporates a community engagement space, innovation hub, meeting and event spaces, and generous landscaped area to enliven the streetscape.
By expanding its presence on the Central Coast the University will help close skills gaps, increase educational participation rates, generate new jobs, support emerging industries, develop the health services workforce, and foster innovation and entrepreneurship.
“The new University of Newcastle Gosford campus will play a pivotal role in transforming Gosford into a thriving university-city at the heart of the region