28 Oct 2020

As the world begins to understand the impact of COVID-19, it’s our cities that offer us the greatest potential for growth in a post-pandemic future. That is, if we can craft a vision and strategy that’s globally aware as well as nationally responsive.

While several of our cities are seen as successful and valuable today, the markers of this success are always changing. At the same time, other cities are moving more quickly to take up opportunities and forge new global positions.

In short, Australian cities can’t afford to be complacent or rest on their place-making laurels. We may be well-positioned to lead the world in some areas, but it’s also likely we’ll have to work harder in future to achieve sustained global competitiveness.

The Mission Fit Cities scorecard combines a rigorous and integrated set of metrics which have been selected to predict how a city will perform in the future, based on the strengths of its foundations today. It has been informed by our Generation 6 Cities research which explores the challenges our cities face and the factors that will underpin their future competitiveness, resilience and livability.

People and Planet are fundamental to future success. If we cannot support the environmental resilience of our cities, then they cannot grow; equally if a city has a weak People score it cannot progress socially or economically. Positivity and Power focus on the themes of confidence and leadership, they suggest the importance of both building momentum and having the collective capability to harness it.

Place is an important mediator of city experience, supporting inclusion, identity, wellbeing and knowledge share: it is essential to the talent agenda and a key investment in growing Performance.

A city has many systems and the future success of the city will depend on the extent to which these systems are balanced and integrated: in practical terms the success of one factor will influence the performance of the other five. We need to understand that investment in key areas can create significant improvement across the scorecard.

We’ve focused on four major Australian cities – Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Perth. 

We have also taken a close look at Singapore – a city-state neighbour with a gold standard Mission Fit Score which we can aspire to. 

Our research captures where cities are today, where they might be falling behind and where they can potentially take the lead if they were to capitalise on an opportunity.

Each of the key themes — people , planet, performance, positivity power, place is supported by a set of indicators and measures. We have identified how each city fulfills relevant criteria, and the metrics by which we can measure a city’s current actions.

The metrics that have been applied consist of 51 individually referenced data points, which are derived from accredited sources and updated annually. All but one has been independently sourced — making the data unimpeachable.

Download a copy of our white paper by clicking the thumbnail below, for a deep dive into the Mission Fitness and score of key Australian and international cities, including a prediction of their future success.

Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world.

Joel A Barker

The pandemic has taught us that we can’t necessarily rely on open borders. It’s likely we may have to learn to be more self reliant in future — and able to do more with less. Now is our chance to steer our cities and nation towards future success.

Globally, other cities are working faster, harder and with greater intentionality to create their next generation of cities, seizing upon opportunities and investing in the potential to become leaders in different spheres. We now have an idea of where we need to grow our Australian cities — and insight into the consequences if we fail to act.

Kate Meyrick View Profile
James Tuma View Profile
Nathan Stribley View Profile