By Rebecca West | 12 Mar 2021

Changes to the Better Apartment Design Standards have been introduced, with gazettal later this year.

The Minister for Planning Richard Wynne recently announced these changes to the Better Apartment Design Standards, which will see amendments to existing standards and the introduction of two new standards.

The updated standards focus on internal and external amenity conditions and aim to create apartment developments that contribute to the amenity and safety of neighbourhoods.

  • Requirements for wind assessments for developments of five or more storeys
  • Revised minimum area and width requirements for balconies
  • New communal open space requirements for developments of 10 or more dwellings
  • Changes to landscaping and deep soil requirements
  • Requirements for use of durable materials and finishes
  • Revised standards for improved streetscape interaction and amenity

Click here to download a detailed analysis or contact Urbis’ team of experts for advice on how the revised Better Apartment Design Standards will affect your proposal.


Rebecca West View Profile
Stuart McGurn View Profile
Anna Barclay View Profile
Sarah Horsfield (nee Emons) View Profile
Andrea Pagliaro View Profile
Jamie Govenlock View Profile