By Lloyd Elliott | 27 Apr 2016

The Victorian Government has proposed new planning controls to guide development of Melbourne’s central city.

The proposed changes are an update on the interim controls introduced in September 2015 and apply to the Hoddle Grid and Southbank – see the map below for the impacted area.

Hoddle Grid Southbank


The Government has expressed concern about particular types of development occurring prior to the introduction of the interim controls...

The Government has expressed concern about particular types of development occurring prior to the introduction of the interim controls, and has proposed new controls that incorporate a fundamental shift from the planning framework that was previously in place.

Urbis is conducting a detailed analysis of the proposed planning controls.


Initial key features include:
  • Internal amenity controls;
  • Development intensity controls via Floor Area Ratio (18:1);
  • Site responsive built form controls e.g. smaller street walls for buildings facing Little Streets; and
  • Reinforced protection of open spaces including winter shadowing requirements.

The Melbourne Planning Scheme will not be amended until the full exhibition, submission, panel, and reporting process is complete and considered by the Minister for Planning.

The proposed amendment and supporting documents are available to download from the Department of Land, Water and Planning website.

All formally lodged submissions will be considered and submitters will be invited to present at a Planning Panels Victoria hearing if they wish.

For more information on how Urbis can help you, please don’t hesitate to contact one of our Planning specialists below:

Jamie Govenlock View Profile
Brendan Rogers View Profile
Lloyd Elliott View Profile
Rebecca West View Profile
Breton Fleming View Profile
Jane Kelly View Profile
Stuart McGurn View Profile
Christina McRae View Profile

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