Campbelltown City Council embarked on an ambitious journey to realise Campbelltown City Centre’s role as the heart of the Macarthur Region. In collaboration with Campbelltown City Council, Urbis developed the ‘Reimagining Campbelltown City Centre Master Plan’ – a data backed blueprint to realise Campbelltown City Centre’s metropolitan role as the strategic centre for the Macarthur region, home to 800,000 people by 2040.
The master plan’s people-centred, data driven methodology is the first of its kind in New South Wales. Underpinned by evidence based decision making, the master plan is more than a planning document. It is an outcomes focused action plan with clear commitments and identified priorities to unlock the Campbelltown-Macarthur region’s place assets and investments.
Prepared with multi-disciplinary inputs across environmental, economic, social, infrastructure and place to develop a shared vision – the outcome is a comprehensive strategy to realise economic prosperity, attract investment, create jobs and improve liveability. A balance between place-based thinking and human-centric design, with an evidence-based methodology, ensures the master plan accommodates future growth projections, responds to market demands and leverages the growth of Western Sydney to attract investment, create jobs and improve liveability.
The master plan includes three key sections:
- A shared vision and six strategic positioning insights which identify the unique strengths of Campbelltown within Sydney’s poly-centric vision.
- A Place Framework which brings together six pillars and 25 commitments to guide decision making in the city centre.
- The Delivery Framework which identifies 35 projects, programs and further investigations and groups them together into 10 city making moves. This Delivery Framework identifies investment priorities for the next 20 years and focuses on a five-year action plan to get started.
“The master plan’s people-centred, data driven methodology is the first of its kind in New South Wales.