Urbis was commissioned to develop a Results Logic and Evaluation Framework for the NSW Department of Family and Community Services’ whole-of-government Disability Inclusion Plan.

The Plan supports the NSW Government’s commitment to remove systemic and attitudinal barriers so people with disability have a better opportunity to live a meaningful life and enjoy the full benefits of membership in the community.

In order to develop the Results Logic at a whole-of-government level, Urbis conducted significant consultation to test the theory of the Plan, and develop the basis for the Evaluation Framework.

The overall aim of the Framework is to track and demonstrate progress of policy initiatives between 2015 and 2019, and to identify the impact on the lives of people with disability, and on communities in New South Wales more broadly.

To ensure strong buy-in to the measurement approach, the Framework was developed in close collaboration with the NSW Department of Family and Community Services, NSW government agencies, non-government organisation partners and people with disability.

An inclusive society not only benefits people with disability, inclusion makes a stronger and more enriched community; reduces disadvantage, isolation and discrimination; and contributes to the economy.