Here at Urbis, we have one simple goal – to shape cities and communities for a better future.
It’s something we achieve by drawing together a network of the brightest minds. Think of Urbis as a creative community of practice experts, working collaboratively to deliver fresh thinking and independent advice and guidance – all backed up by real, evidence-based solutions.
The theme for this year’s PIA Planning Congress – ‘Reinvention: Planning in a time of change’ – resonates with all of us here at Urbis, as we try to collectively reimagine the future of our cities against the challenges before us.
As proud Platinum Sponsors of Congress this year, we understand the significance of coming together, both within the planning profession and beyond, to discuss, collaborate, and work towards resolutions that secure the resilience of our future cities.
Check out the video and links below for a peek into our brightest minds, a look at the collaborative work of our multi-disciplinary team, and what it’s like to work at Urbis (plus see any open positions!).