Urbis welcomes the announcement of Lucy Turnbull as Chief Commissioner of the new Greater Sydney Commission (GSC). The making of the GSC will ensure the implementation of A Plan for Growing Sydney and the co-ordination between land use planning and infrastructure provision.

The Chief Commissioner will be joined by three independent commissioners:
- Heather Nesbitt — Social Commissioner
- Rod Simpson — Environment Commissioner, and
- Geoff Roberts — Economics Commissioner
Biographies for each of these Commissioners can be found here on the Department of Planning and Environment’s website.
Other members of the GSC will include:
- Six District Commissioners (nominated by councils — yet to be announced)
- Three Departmental Secretaries — Planning, Transport and Treasury
Significantly, the GSC will take on the plan making and assessment functions of the Sydney Joint Regional Planning Panels and the exhibition and finalisation of the much awaited six Sydney District Plans.
The Bill to introduce the GSC was passed by both houses of Parliament in November and is awaiting proclamation. It is expected the GSC will be operational from February.
Urbis will keep you updated on any relevant announcements and operational procedures as they are released.