14 Dec 2022

Urbis is excited to welcome four new appointments to the ever-growing and flourishing team. Carla Mamaril joins the firm as our new Director of Urban Design. With so much activity and industry opportunities the design team has also appointed Francisca Tjahja – Associate Director Urban Design, Han Chen – Senior Consultant Landscape Architecture and Shuyi Gong – Consultant Landscape Architecture.

Carla says “It’s an exciting time to join Urbis, with so many inspiring and motivated bright minds. I’m also thrilled to work alongside Carlos Frias and Madonna Locke to expand on their portfolio of innovative urban design projects, providing a brighter more prosperous future. There is a great energy and collaborative spirit with the growing team”. 

As a city shaper, I’m committed to designing places that are environmentally enduring and enjoyable.

Carla Mamaril View Profile

Carla is highly experienced having worked on the evolution of the North West and South West Growth Areas of Sydney.

She is also proud of her contribution setting the framework and guiding development for the revitalisation of numerous town centres across Western Sydney, both in Fairfield and Canterbury Local Government Areas (LGA), as well as renewal corridors in Newcastle LGA.

One of the great benefits for the community is having provided Sydneysiders greater options for housing.

“It’s really satisfying to see that friends and family who have purchased homes in these areas are comfortable and happy with the lifestyles and amenity offered by these new communities.” Says Carla. 


Having Carla join Urbis has brought a new energy which is inspiring all around her. The depth and breadth of her expertise, complemented by the level of innovation she displays to her work and the team is having a profound positive impact.

Carlos Frias View Profile

Carlos Frias, Director of Design says, “We are determined to create communities and design landscapes which are not only functional but sustainable, paving the way for a resilient future. We have a responsibility to the generations to come. It’s fantastic that our new additions share the passion and strategic vision of designing with place and a better future in mind”. 

Read more about our amazing design team here