18 Nov 2015

The Urbis Planning team has taken the opportunity to present its perspective on the release of the Victorian Government’s Plan Melbourne Refresh discussion paper at a client briefing session, held at its Collins Street office.

Director Sarah Horsfield, alongside Associate Directors Sarah Macklin and Nathan Stribley provided fresh insights into the issues covered in the discussion paper, which responds to some 93 recommendations from the external Ministerial Advisory Committee (MAC).


The Victorian Minister for Planning, the Hon Richard Wynne, released the Plan Melbourne Refresh, together with the MAC report in October 2015 and is currently inviting industry feedback.

The Refresh comes at a time when new controls are being introduced into the CBD, planning works are progressing for major infrastructure projects and the market awaits decisions for key urban renewal sites.

While there is broad bipartisan support for much of the original Plan Melbourne, there is an overall increased emphasis on:

  • Social and affordable housing;
  • Environmental protection;
  • Placemaking; and
  • Realigning transport priorities.

The Refresh includes a mixture of mooted changes such as realigning strategic planning principles, targeted regulatory response, adoption of a new metropolitan form along with adjustments to sub-regional and precinct planning.

Plan Melbourne pic

Some of the key ideas that are raised for discussion include:

  • 70/30 housing target;
  • Municipal housing targets;
  • Locking the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB);
  • Density target of 25 dwellings p/h in the Growth Areas;
  • Staged land releases in the Growth Areas;
  • Reviewing the 50% Neighbourhood Residential Zone target;
  • Replacing ResCode with code assess;
  • Inclusionary and incentive zoning to increasing social; and
  • Affordable housing.

Urbis views the Refresh as an opportunity for the development industry to provide feedback to Government on these new directions and to refine some of the elements from the original strategy.

Submissions are due on 18 December 2015, and a refreshed Plan Melbourne will be published in the first half of 2016 following further advice from the MAC, a review of updated data and submissions on the discussion paper.

Urbis will continue to assist clients with submissions and further briefings.

To request a copy of the presentation, please contact marketing@urbis.com.au

For more information on how Urbis can help you, please don’t hesitate to contact one of our Planning specialists below.


Lloyd Elliott View Profile
Sarah Horsfield (nee Emons) View Profile
Breton Fleming View Profile
Rebecca West View Profile
Sarah Macklin (nee Walbank) View Profile
Stuart McGurn View Profile
Jane Kelly View Profile
Jamie Govenlock View Profile
Brendan Rogers View Profile
Nathan Stribley View Profile

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