14 Aug 2020

Congratulations to Urbis Director, Michael Barlow, who was last night awarded the VPELA Richard J Evans Award.

This prestigious award recognises Michael’s lifelong achievements in Planning and is the Victorian Planning and Environmental Law Association’s (VPELA’s) highest honour.

The VPELA award ceremony looked a little different this year, with all guests dialing into a live video conference. However, this did not dampen the elegance of the affair, with all award nominees donning formal attire for this very special occasion. Michael Barlow treated attendees to a truly humble and inspiring acceptance speech which gave insight to his great achievements throughout his illustrious career. 

We are delighted to celebrate this career-defining moment with Michael and reflect on the influence of his meaningful work, which can be seen the world over.

Michael Barlow wins VPELA Richard J Evans Award



Michael Barlow gives his acceptance speech via Zoom.

Michael is a quiet achiever who has inspired and supported the Australian planning and property sector, contributing to its international reputation.

Michael Barlow is one of Australia’s leading town planners with experience in excess of 40 years and a long association with VPELA organisation.  His expertise in major infrastructure, airport redevelopment, retail and commercial development and strategic urban renewal projects are the core of his expansive skills.  Michael is a quiet achiever who has inspired and supported the Australian planning and property sector, contributing to its international reputation.

Michael undertook his qualifications at RMIT (Diploma of Applied Science).  In his early career he was the City of Melbourne’s appeals officer where he was held in high regard by his worthy opponents. 

In 1985 he commenced work with AT Cocks (later to merge and become Urbis JHD).  In this period he established a career as a preeminent expert planning witnesses, led by many of Melbourne’s top Barrister’s and QCs (including Richard J Evans). Michael has been a director at Urbis since 1990.  In the early 2000s he became the National Managing Director of Urbis and over the next 8 years led the growth and evolution of Urbis as Australia’s largest privately owned property consultancy. 

Michael’s, rational thinking - spiked with innovation has led him to be a trusted advisor of private clients and governments in Australia and internationally.

His technical knowledge and understanding of the interaction between planning and property markets is of the highest order.  He was an early leader in his analysis of the multi disciplines that influence positive land use and development outcomes. Michael’s, rational thinking – spiked with innovation has led him to be a trusted advisor of private clients and governments in Australia and internationally.

His reputation extends well beyond Victoria and Australia, having been invited in 2018 to consult to the Hong Kong Planning Authority as part of a committee of international experts rethinking the future of land use and development in Hong Kong.  Other international experience includes advice on planning of the new city servicing Yangshan Port (Shanghai Deep Water Port), China 2005 and preparation of the Dubai Urban Development Framework Plan for the Emirate of Dubai 2007-2008. 

Closer to home Michael has led the assessment of key projects (too many to mention), but including redevelopment of Melbourne Central Shopping Centre and Station in 2002, reviewing the urban growth potential associated with the $10 billion Melbourne Metro Underground Rail Project (2015), and advice to Government in relation to planning and land use impacts and uplift opportunities associated with North East Link and various Level Crossing Removal Projects (2018- 2020).

Michael’s skill and generosity of knowledge have been an inspiration for many emerging and established professionals in the fields of town planning and property.

Michael’s personal and work ethic is a hallmark of his professional excellence and sets an admirable standard for his staff and colleagues.  He has a comprehensive knowledge of all aspects of cities demonstrating intellect, rigor and frank advice in his interactions. 

Michael’s skill and generosity of knowledge have been an inspiration for many emerging and established professionals in the fields of town planning and property.  He is liberal with his time mentoring staff through sharing his genuine fascination for urban systems.  This reach has extended far and wide through government and private practice with the many Urbis alumni. 

Michael has made an outstanding contribution to planning in Victoria through his established career.  He is also currently a member of the Women’s Housing Limited Board where his expertise in land use planning and development is highly valued.