21 Jun 2018

Shaping cities requires a holistic approach to achieving better outcomes for our communities, including health and well being.

Working closely with the NSW Ministry of Health, Urbis National Director Linda Kurti and her team recently developed the new NSW Men’s Health Framework to improve outcomes for men in NSW. NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard launched the new Framework on Tuesday as part of Men’s Health Week.

Our team collaborated to provide economic and social advisory combined with graphic design services, lead by National Graphics Manager, Eliza Purcell, to produce a modern, practical, evidence-based Framework. The Framework has met much praise and is highly regarded by key stakeholders.  Since launching earlier in the week, we are very proud to see the significant media attention that has already been received and we are optimistic that this Framework will have a very real impact on improving men’s health outcomes in NSW.

A copy of the new NSW Men’s Health Framework is available to download here

To find out more, contact our team.