21 Aug 2015

The NSW Treasury has released the First Annual Progress Report of the Newpin (New Parent Infant Network) Social Benefit Bond (SBB) program. This is the first program in Australia to be operated under SBB arrangements, and there is significant interest in the program across Australia and also from overseas.

Newpin is an intensive therapeutic child protection and parent education program. It works mainly with parents whose children have been placed in out -of -home care, with the aim of restoring these children safely to their families.

In 2013, NSW Treasury commissioned Urbis to assess the program’s benefits. The evaluation involves documenting the developing practice model and learnings, and the level of success the program has in children being restored to their families. It also aims to identify critical success factors and how any implementation or other challenges are being addressed.


Urbis Economic and Social Advisory Director Alison Wallace explained that the establishment of Newpin in July 2013 did not represent ‘business as usual’. Instead, it was an exciting time for the further development and enhancement of the program.

According to Alison, Newpin also represents a new way of working – a partnership approach – between government (the Department of Family and Community Services) and the non-government sector, Uniting Care Burnside who operate the Newpin program.

The First Annual Report outlined the following key finding:

60% of children participating in Newpin were restored to their family within 18 months. This rate is more than double that achieved by families who did not go through the program

Some of the key factors that led to the success of the model to date include:

  • Effective client engagement
  • Multiplicity of the evidence- based interventions
  • Training and supervision of the workforce
  • Home-like environment of Newpin Centres.

For further details on the other findings, read the original Annual Progress Report by clicking here.

For further information about this evaluation program, please contact Alison Wallace on awallace@urbis.com.au