2 Jul 2019

Location, Location, Location. It’s the real-estate agent’s mantra and for a good reason. Buying your first home is likely one of the biggest decisions you will make, and location is often where people can either get it right, or wrong.

As part of the first installment of Fraser Property’s podcast series, our very own housing guru Sue Say discusses this first step in the buying process. Sharing insights and tips generated from her research, Sue breaks down what is often seen as a daunting decision.  

“Sit down initially and say, ‘How do I picture my life in the future?’”

What should a first-time buyer do to ensure they choose the location that is right for them? Sue puts it down to extensive research and knowing what outcomes you want prior to investigation.

Becoming fixated on one location is a trap that first home buyers often fall into. Sue believes that “the best approach is to have quite an open mind about location, and not to zoom in a particular suburb or area.” To begin with, location should be considered more broadly with a focus on lifestyle.

Sue recommends using is the ‘Two Buckets’ approach to help guide decision making. Here, Sue encourages buyers to focus on separating out items such as proximity to the city, infrastructure and amenities into “things that are really important and are really going to drive my decision as to where to live, and [things that] would be nice to have.”

Sue provides several tips throughout the podcast on issues such as proximity to public transport, assessing safety, what to look for when visiting a location, and not giving into the hype generated by fluctuations in the market.

Listen to the full podcast episode here for more insights into how to find the right location for your first home.