Australia’s population is set to grow to over 40 million people in the next 50 years. In Sydney, it’s expected that the city will expand another one million over the next decade.
The population debate is high on the national agenda. Planners, economists and policy researchers are all deliberating how best to manage the sustainable growth of our cities.
Speaking at this year’s International Urban Design Conference, Urbis Design Director Carlos Frias presented his insights on Sydney’s rising population and how to accommodate it: grow west.
Western Sydney, envisioned as the ‘Parkland City’ by the Greater Sydney Commission, has an opportunity to relieve the development pressure that the city is experiencing in the Central and Eastern Cities. The availability of greenfield land along with the emergence of the Badgerys Creek Aerotropolis, are catalysts to leverage Western Sydney’s growth.

Mr Frias explained, “Whilst there is potential to accommodate growth in Western Sydney, our internal market research finds that the ‘highest and best’ residential use will still be low-density housing.
“That is until efficient public transport, jobs and areas of high amenity are delivered to support development.”

His presentation focussed on the economic, planning and governance investments, policies and incentives required to increase density and liveability in Western Sydney. Done well, these factors could lead to a high amenity, high liveability parkland city: a place of vibrant, safe, beautiful and viable neighbourhoods.
Get in touch with Carlos to find out more.