19 Sep 2016

The Brisbane City Council released a revised version of the new City Centre Neighbourhood Plan on Friday 16 September 2016.

Transferable Site Area (TSA) can now be applied to both residential and non-residential towers.

This latest draft retains many of the changes proposed in the earlier version released in mid-2015.

However, this latest version contains some key amendments including:

  • Transferable Site Area (TSA) can now be applied to both residential and non-residential towers (original draft plan limited the use of TSA to non-residential towers only);
  • the use of TSA is limited to a maximum increase in tower site cover of 5%;
  • tower site cover can also be 5% larger where buildings achieve 5 or 6 Green Star rating and provide substantial outdoor space (referred to in the new plan as ‘sustainability criteria’);
  • tower site cover calculations are based on the average of the 10 largest tower floor plates (rather than the single largest tower floor plate in the original draft and the 20 largest floor plates in the current Plan);
  • the minimum TSA transfer amount has been reduced to 50m2 (down from 300m2 previously);
  • the maximum building height for towers within the mall tower area has been increased to 30 storeys (up from 60 metres previously).

A summary of the key planning controls that are proposed under the latest draft of the City Centre Neighbourhood Plan is provided below:


Please note that different provisions apply to development within certain precincts such as Howards Smith Wharves or Quay Street Precincts.

The latest draft of the City Centre Neighbourhood Plan is currently undergoing review by the Queensland Government and is anticipated to take effect in early 2017.

Contact our Planning experts below on +61 7 3007 3800 for more information.

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