21 Feb 2018

Urbis is doubly proud to congratulate Heritage Director Stephen Davies on his reappointment of Chair of the New South Wales Heritage Council.

Stephen has served on the Heritage Council since 2014 and held the position of Chair during the 2016/2017 term. His admirable circa. A 30-year career encompasses all aspects of heritage management across both the public and private sectors. Stephen’s achievements are aplenty, most recently he celebrated 10 years with Urbis.

On acceptance of his reappointment, Stephen stated, “I’m honoured to have been nominated and to accept the position of Chair for the second consecutive term. The Heritage Council has achieved some wonderful outcomes over the past years including a review of key publications, a review of the Heritage Council committees and delegations to local government.” 

I’m honoured to have been nominated and to accept the position of Chair for the second consecutive term.

Stephen Davies View Profile

Stephen has a unique understanding of the political and administrative decision-making process which was abetted by being an elected member of the Woollahra Council. As a skilled negotiator, he also understands the important role the community plays in achieving heritage outcomes, which he learned first-hand as the former Deputy Director and Head of Conversation for the National Trust of Australia NSW and Victoria from 1988 until 2000.

Stephen’s work extends across many industries and includes some of Sydney’s high-profile heritage conversation projects, such as the revitalisation of Circular Quay through the Quay Quarter Precinct, and conservation of the former Kent Brewery site in what is now known as Central Park.

Urbis sincerely congratulates Stephen on his reappointment. We’ve no doubt that Stephen’s continued stewardship of the Council will result in many more positive outcomes for practical heritage conservation in NSW.

For more information on our Heritage division and the services on offer, please contact the team. 

Kate Paterson View Profile
Stephen Davies View Profile
Jonathan Bryant View Profile
Fiona Binns View Profile