Our planning team assisted The University of Sydney gain State Significant Development consent for a 21,000sqm health faculty building on its Camperdown Campus.

The building co-locates the University’s health faculties into a singular, state of the art building designed by New York based architects DS+R, in collaboration with local firm Billard Lease Partnership. Urbis prepared an Environmental Impact Statement in support of the SSDA and provided ongoing planning advice during the assessment of the application, including negotiating a development contributions waiver from DPE.

The project will consildate the University’s clinical, teaching and research functions – delivering a new model for health facilities by unifying education and practice. 

We also assisted gaining an early works (Part 5) approval at the site to assist with program constraints, together with a later Section 4.55 modification to enable longer construction hours while the University campus was temporarily shut down in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. Urbis is proud to see the building commence operation in 2021.