Urbis evaluated actual land use patterns, changing demographic and industrial trends and the impacts of industrial activity on the surrounding streets through our own industrial land assessment. This provided the impetus for policy change and eventual precinct-wide rezoning, including the 1.5 hectare former ‘Kolotex’ site.

Urbis then lead the preparation of a major DA for some 280 apartments across four buildings, ranging from 4-9 storeys. The DA also incorporated site links, communal gardens and ground level retail. Against initial opposition from the former Leichhardt Council, Urbis assisted Greenland in achieving approval for this $94 million project through the Sydney Planning Panel. 

The design provides a positive response to the public realm, and addresses the challenges of flooding, site contamination and residential interface. The site’s development marks the start of a broader renewal within the precinct and along the Parramatta Road corridor.

Against all existing policy and authority opinion at the time, Urbis achieved the site’s rezoning and ultimate approval for a quality apartment living project within a key inner-city location.