In 2018 Transport for NSW (TfNSW) was faced with a challenge: to keep Macquarie Park moving during the construction of the Sydney Metro North West, and the closure of four key train stations. We evaluated the Travel Choices Program and its response to the disruption, which included a social marketing campaign and one-on-one support for trip generators (Macquarie University and large businesses) to change the way people moved through the precinct.
Our methodology included the development of a theory of change and evaluation framework, followed by a literature review on best practice, consultations with TfNSW staff and participating organisations, and an analysis of relevant data, including SCATS traffic count and Opal ticketing data, Strava active transport data, human movement data, and travel survey data. We produced a detailed evaluation report which will be provided to the NSW Audit Office and tabled in NSW Parliament. Our collaborative approach to working with TfNSW has helped to inform future approaches to managing travel demand, as well as evaluation capacity building for the organisation.