The (then) Department of Education, Skills and Employment engaged Urbis to deliver an evaluation of a major national reform trial impacting the skills and training sector in Australia. The focus was on three pilot ‘Skills Organisations’, which were exploring new approaches to industry-led projects that sought to improve the skills pipeline in Australia.

Our education sector team delivered a review of the process of ‘standing up’ an entirely new, industry-led entity in the human services, digital skills, and mining and resources sectors. We also completed an assessment of the early lessons and insights from the operation of the pilots, drawing on a diverse set of data and interviews with government, industry, and training sector stakeholders across Australia.

Our work was delivered in partnership with ARTD Consulting and has informed the subsequent development of Jobs and Skills Councils, which will play a critical role in the future of Australia’s skills sector.

Equipping people with the right skills and capabilities unlocks economic growth – and creates pathways to economic inclusion for communities on the margins. – Julian Thomas, Director.