Located in the heart of the North Sydney CBD, this development of a 48-storey office tower will provide high-quality commercial floor space reinforcing North Sydney’s role as a major employment centre within the Global City.
Our client, Pro-invest Group identified North Sydney as a growth area given significant public and private investment, in particular, the new Sydney Metro line.
The new commercial office building, designed by Bates Smart, is aimed at reviving the commercial market in a post-Covid working environment.
Public domain improvements are proposed to enhance the pedestrian experience at the ground plane, including activation of street frontages with retail uses and a new public pedestrian laneway linking the eastern edge of the CBD with the Victoria Cross Sydney Metro Station.
Urbis is honoured to provide our Planning expertise for this development, which will make a significant contribution towards enhancing North Sydney’s skyline and the public domain.
“The redevelopment of 100 Walker street, North Sydney is aimed at reviving the commercial market in a post-COVID working environment strengthening North Sydney’s role in the global city.