By Julian Thomas | 14 Oct 2016

Here at Urbis, we have one simple goal – to shape the cities and communities of Australia for a better future.

It’s something we achieve by drawing together a network of the brightest minds. Think of Urbis as a creative community of practice experts, working collaboratively to deliver fresh thinking and independent advice and guidance – all backed up by real, evidence-based solutions.

Primary Health Networks have a unique role and mandate to pursue a commissioning approach to building a better health system. We can help you get there.

We’re systems thinkers, but we also know how to connect to people on the ground, and we specialise in engaging vulnerable populations.

Our team understands primary care. We’re systems thinkers, but we also know how to connect to people on the ground, and we specialise in engaging vulnerable populations.

We bring together smart thinking and technical capability to provide the timely insights and defensible advice that enable our clients to deliver on their strategic goals.

Our work is enabled by the multidisciplinary capabilities that exist within our team. Click through the images below to see a full profile of a selection of senior team members with expertise and experience relevant to PHNs.

Julian Thomas View Profile
Poppy Wise View Profile

We have an existing track record of working with Primary Health Networks and their predecessors, Medicare Locals.


We’re supporting the development of a robust commissioning plan for mental health services in a large metropolitan PHN, including consumer and sector stakeholder engagement.


Working with our client and their stakeholders, we designed and delivered a needs analysis, problem definition and solution co-design process that led to a pilot program to improve access to new generation hepatitis C treatment for people experiencing homelessness.

Strategy Development

We facilitated a stakeholder-driven review of a regional health strategy using a ‘collaboration for strategic advantage’ approach to identify areas where working together would deliver greatest impact.


We evaluated an Access To Allied Psychological Services Program and provided robust recommendations that positioned our client to re-negotiate contract and service terms with suppliers.

Service reviews

We reviewed a GP support program and developed a framework that allowed our client to strengthen the link between program-level GP support outcomes and their higher order strategic priorities.

Sector mapping

Our team mapped system elements and pathways for five priority chronic diseases at the regional and sub-regional level, positioning our client to prioritise future effort toward addressing specific gaps.

To find out more about how we can support your work, contact our Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane offices.