Ever tried walking a tight rope? I haven’t for a range of fairly obvious reasons. The thought of all the focus, skill, strength and bravery required to balance on a thin wire at great height scares me to death.
Yet every day, as a working mum, I have been trying to walk a tight rope – delicately balanced over a chasm of schedules, deadlines, stress and self-doubt. One sudden movement and everything can go pear shaped quickly. Often it does – and when it does, it’s never pretty.
On the home front it’s the lost library book, the sudden illness, the epic tantrum, those school holidays and forgotten lunches. In the craziness of the corporate world it’s the meetings, the last minute requests, deadlines, targets and endless lists of things to do – all of these are like a cyclone barrelling directly at you as you try and keep a steady footing on a very flimsy wire.