The State Government is again revisiting the strategic planning for Fishermans Bend. Following the introduction of interim, mandatory controls in 2016, new plans have today been unveiled.

Borrowing from the approach taken with the Central City Built Form review under Amendment C270, the Fishermans Bend draft Framework Plan proposes:

  • A combination of floor area ratio (FAR) and discretionary buildings heights that apply to all sites. There isn’t clear guidance on how these elements will work together.
  • Similar to the Central City, the FAR can be uplifted when including commercial uses above a defined ratio, delivering affordable housing to be transferred to a registered housing provider, and other public benefits linked to strategic priorities for the Precinct.
  • Inclusion of minimum employment floor space which apply in core areas of all Precincts.

Source: Fishermans Bend Framework – draft for consultation, October 2017
Source: Fishermans Bend Framework – draft for consultation, October 2017

  • Stricter overshadowing controls to open space, applying to Precinct and district parks between 11am and 2pm at the winter solstice and other parks at the spring equinox.
  • Some variation in street wall heights allowed for lower buildings
  • Retain the mandatory building setback requirements, but refined as below:


Building height

Tower/ building separation (minimum mandatory)

20+ storeys

20 metres

9 – 20 storeys

20 metres for habitable uses


15 metres habitable to non-habitable


10 metres non-habitable to non-habitable


7- 8 storeys

18 metres for habitable uses


12 metres habitable to non-habitable


6 metres non-habitable to non-habitable

Up to 6 storeys

12 metres for habitable uses


9 metres habitable to non-habitable


6 metres non-habitable to non-habitable

The draft Framework Plan also has a key focus on revitalisation of the Employment Precinct.

The draft Framework Plan also has a key focus on revitalisation of the Employment Precinct, unlocked through:

  • Catalyst project on the former General Motors Holden site, to deliver forward-focused tech and industry uses.
  • New proposed transport connections from Docklands across the river as an extension of the Collins Street tram routes.
  • Potential for new cross-city metro station connections.
Source: Fishermans Bend Framework – draft for consultation, October 2017

Ahead of new planning controls being prepared, the Fishermans Bend Taskforce is seeking submissions on the draft Framework by mid-December.

Submissions will be considered by an Independent Planning Panel, ahead of introduction of the final controls in 2018.

Contact us to find out more and make a submission.

Sarah Macklin (nee Walbank) View Profile
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