Australia’s cities are unique in their high level of liveability. They are also among the fastest-growing in the developed world, with Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth undergoing major strategic planning and development changes.
Planning authorities across Australia are considering changes to existing controls to improve economic prosperity, environmental impacts and social sustainability. These include the newly-released draft Sydney District Plans, Queensland’s Shaping SEQ, new planning controls in Melbourne CBD and reforms to Sydney CBD controls.
These developments are garnering attention around the world, particularly with Asia Pacific investors. Alongside Cistri, our international business, we recently teamed up with Norton Rose Fulbright to examine the future of Australia’s cities strategy and their likely impact on domestic and foreign investment.
Drawing upon our unique national perspective, we looked at:
- Australia’s seaboard capital cities: the trends behind the country’s economic engine room
- Local and state government policy drivers informing future land use, built form and open space development
- Opportunities and challenges for investors now and in the future
It was a privilege to explore these issues with so many contacts in Singapore. We’re now looking forward to running similar events in Australia in the New Year.
If you’d be interested in attending, simply fill in the form below and we’ll update you closer to the time.
Investing in Australia - expression of interest
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