Urbis has provided a truly collaborative service to Turbit Nominees Pty Ltd in preparing and lodging a development application for a new 30-storey tower at 343 Albert Street.

Our Planning, Design and Heritage teams worked together with the project architects to position the redevelopment of the site through the demolition of the existing Suncorp tower and development of a Premium office grade building – a development typology underrepresented in the Brisbane market and currently in demand by tenants.

Based on an urban context analysis, heritage analysis and detailed landscape design, the proposal has been carefully designed to improve the interface and relationships with the adjoining heritage listed Albert Street Uniting Church and Brisbane Dental School building opposite the site.

The new development also activates the street frontages along Turbot Street and Albert Street, including a landscaped interior foyer and a generous plaza adjacent to the Albert Street Uniting Church. Together these new publicly accessible spaces will activate the public realm and create a unique sense of place that compliments the existing Church and city context.

Located on the corner of Albert and Turbot Streets, the proposed new commercial office tower at 343 Albert Street will provide an iconic landmark to Brisbane’s CBD and King George Square.