In May 2024, we assisted Belvoir St Theatre gain development consent for upgrades to their warehouse building on Elizabeth Street.

The project, which was carefully designed by TKD Architects, will:

  • Provide additional floor space for the performing arts community.
  • Upgrade the existing building to deliver a versatile, fit-for-purpose, and accessible working space.
  • Result in a refreshed, activated Elizabeth Street frontage that allows a visual connection to the Belvoir St Theatre building.
  • Allow a modest vertical addition, designed as office space for a tenant in an allied creative industry.
  • Deliver public art, which will be procured, manufactured and installed during the construction phase.

Urbis is pleased to have provided urban planning, urban design, traffic, heritage and social planning services for this project, which required variations to both the building height and floor space controls.

We’d like to thank the City of Sydney for their collaborative approach on this exciting project and look forward to seeing it built.