Coral has a passion for all things archaeology who understands the intricacies of legislative approvals in various states, including Victoria, NSW, and WA.  She sees Aboriginal and Historical archaeology as components of the bigger picture that need to be considered holistically, from the early stages of planning a project, to the end results, where cultural interpretation adds value to all projects.

She studied Anthropology and Archaeology in Mexico and has a PhD in Archaeology from La Trobe University. For the last 15 years in Australia, she’s worked in a variety of private and public sector heritage projects – from small subdivisions to large state infrastructure projects.

Coral also has extensive experience in planning surveys, engagement with Traditional Owners, designing archaeological excavations and preparing reports and cultural heritage management plans.

Her career highlights include leading ad planning large infrastructure projects including the Gippsland line upgrade in Victoria, and the Pacific Highway Upgrade in NSW. She also has worked in heritage approvals for Main Roads WA and Rio Tinto.

Some of Coral’s project experience includes: 

  • VPT’s Gippsland Line Upgrade CHMP (Victoria)
  • Pacific Highway Upgrade ACHAR (NSW)
  • North Waldaira Water Efficiency Scheme ACHAR (NSW)
  • Hardys and Pound Road residential subdivision CHMP (VIC)
  • NBN’s Due Diligences for VIC and NSW

I believe in protecting all Aboriginal and Historical cultural heritage values from the early stages of every project.