Becoming an Associate Director means stepping into new leadership responsibilities. At Urbis, we encourage our Associate Directors to develop strong people leadership skills but also to consider how they can deliver leadership for our clients and how they can be custodians of our strategy.
Our recent Associate Director Transform workshop was designed to transition our newly promoted and lateral hires into their roles as Associate Directors. This immersive one-day event covered a range of development areas and opportunities for attendees and brought together a diverse cohort from across Australia and also from Cistri, our Singapore office.
““AD Transform was a priceless opportunity to hear about the future direction of Urbis and learn from our peers. Amongst all of the learning, development and strategizing, what will stay with me the longest is the connections I made.”
Ilona Bartsch, Heritage AD
We kicked off with a compelling key-note presentation from Urbis CEO Benjamin Pollack who shared some exciting plans for Urbis as well as some very human stories for the group to relate to. This was followed by an open and future-focussed fireside chat with Greg Baster of Inari Group, a Technology and Transformation Guru, and hosted by Urbis Group Director of Technology & Digital, Connie Beck. This session was not only informative but also inspiring, highlighting the critical role of digital transformation in our industry.

The group also enjoyed a practical session on delegating well which was met by high praise and comments such as “extremely practical” and “invaluable insights”, delivered by external specialist consultant Emma Caroon. Next was a lively panel of some of Urbis’ most respected leaders was led by Melissa Gunnsmith, Urbis Group Director of Markets & Strategy. The panellists underscored the importance of understanding the client lifecycle, building relationships, and delivering an excellent client experience.
““The AD Transform program gave me the opportunity to connect and collaborate with different people across the Urbis business. This gave me the chance to seek different perspectives and views on our Business Development and Marketing program from team members across the nation.”
Michael Morihovitis, Business Development Manager
MC for the day and creator of this robust agenda was Connie Hansen, Urbis Group Director of People & Culture and her team. Connie wrapped up with reflections and next steps, reinforcing the key takeaways and setting the stage for continued growth and development. The workshop struck a delicate balance with just the right mix of break out activities, practical content and some fun networking with guest Directors. From all reports, our Associate Directors left feeling empowered and ready to drive Urbis forward for a brighter future.