7 Jun 2024

Our cities and communities are in a state of constant evolution, and the strategies we implement today will significantly influence the future liveability and sustainability of our urban environments.

PIA Foresight, a collaboration between the Planning Institute of Australia (PIA) and Urbis, emphasises the necessity for urban planning to be proactive, adaptable, and innovative in response to rapid changes. 

One of the most substantial challenges we face is population growth. Australia’s population is projected to reach 30 million by 2030, with the majority of this growth occurring in our major cities. This rapid urbanisation will place significant demands on our infrastructure, housing, and public services. It’s not just about accommodating more people; it’s about ensuring quality of life, accessibility, and social equity. Strategic planning is crucial to manage this growth sustainably, and to create cities that are not only larger, but also better. 

The strategies we implement today will significantly influence the future liveability and sustainability of our urban environments.

Climate change is another urgent issue that requires immediate attention. The impacts of climate change, such as rising sea levels, increased temperatures, and more frequent extreme weather events, will have profound implications for our cities and communities. Urban areas, with their high concentration of people and infrastructure, are particularly vulnerable to these impacts. Therefore, it’s essential that urban planning incorporates strategies to adapt to and mitigate these effects. This includes designing resilient infrastructure, promoting sustainable practices, and enhancing green spaces to reduce urban heat island effects.

The transformative potential of technology in urban planning is immense. Digital tools and data-driven approaches can significantly enhance decision-making and community engagement. They can provide real-time insights, improve transparency, and enable more efficient use of resources. Embracing these technological advancements is not just an option; it’s a necessity for modern urban planning.

PIA Foresight encourages urban planners to be visionary, collaborative, and courageous in their approach.

Our cities and communities are also being reshaped by changing social dynamics. We have an ageing population, increasing cultural diversity, and evolving lifestyle preferences. These changes require us to rethink our urban environments. Urban planning must be inclusive and responsive, catering to the diverse needs and aspirations of all community members. This includes creating age-friendly cities, promoting cultural inclusivity, and accommodating a variety of lifestyle choices.

PIA Foresight encourages urban planners to be visionary, collaborative, and courageous in their approach. It’s about thinking beyond the present, working together across disciplines, and taking bold actions for the future. Continuous learning and professional development are vital to keep pace with the evolving landscape. PIA Foresight serves as a valuable resource, offering insights and guidance on navigating the complexities of the future urban landscape. It’s a call to action for all those involved in shaping the future of our cities and communities.

Click the image below to read more and download the report for yourself:

We’d like to extend special thanks to our key PIA collaborators, who dedicated extensive time and efforts to bringing this report to life: Nicole Bennetts RPIA (State Manager QLD/NT), Matt Collins MPIA (Chief Executive Officer), Karen Goldsmith (National General Manager). 

To discuss the trends identified in PIA Foresight, or for further insights, reach out to our experts below. 

James White View Profile
Ashley Lane View Profile