Urbis wishes to express its appreciation to Hon. John Day for his work as Minister for Planning, following the WA Cabinet reshuffle announced by Premier Colin Barnett today.
Minister Day, who was elevated to manage the key portfolio of health, has instituted a range of reforms which have been instrumental in managing the changing urban environment.
Initiatives under his leadership include:
- Achieving improved diversity and better aligned apartment development across the City through the Multi Unit Housing Code
- Taking a different approach to the existing urban fabric by establishing Perth and Peel @3.5 Million and the sub-regional strategies
- Removing long standing floor space caps on centres in Perth through the SPP4.2 Activity Centres Policy, which has enabled a number of major redevelopments and drive much needed investment in the WA economy, whilst facilitating significant change in centre form to improve built form and linkage to public transport
- Leading and managing the planning reform process including the introduction of JDAPs to enable more efficient processes and greater certainty of outcomes.
We wish him the very best in his new role and have no doubt he will continue to provide a positive impact to the WA community and deliver ongoing growth opportunities for our state.